9 ways to have better health and happiness

9 ways to have better health and happiness

According to the research — and yes, there is ample research on the relationship between health and happiness — 50% of your general happiness level is dictated by genetics and 10% current circumstances. The other 40% is under your control. Keep reading to learn the...
Alcohol and Vitamins

Alcohol and Vitamins

Chronic alcohol abuse can cause vitamin deficiency by depleting nutrients in three major ways: decreasing nutrient consumption, enhancing malabsorption, and increasing excretion. The former is due to alcohol’s suppression of appetite, along with the tendency to...
Supplements for Nerve Health

Supplements for Nerve Health

Stop us if this sounds familiar. You read an article claiming thousands of people have attained healthier nerves by taking a supplement. You rush to the drug store and grab a bottle from the shelf. You dutifully take your supplement for nerve health every day.  The...
Vitamins for Smokers

Vitamins for Smokers

Smokers may have once been known for their svelte figures, but the research is conclusive that they are often lacking many vital nutrients. Vitamins for smokers are those nutrients commonly depleted by cigarette smoke and are also under-consumed by smokers. Smoking...