Share your love for LivOn Labs!

Become a LivOn Labs Ambassador

LivOn Labs’ mission is to make elite nutrient absorption accessible to as many people as possible. We’ve got the technology; now we’re looking to you to help spread the word. Don’t let the people you care about miss out on next-level immune, skin, brain, and metabolic support. In return, you’ll receive free LivOn Labs supplements every month.

Do you have what it takes to
be a LivOn Labs ambassador?

We’re looking for LivOn Labs customers in the US who are over 18 and have an active social media presence. You don’t need 100K followers or a blue checkmark. All you need is an engaged community — be it on Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, Facebook, or a personal blog — and a love for LivOn Labs products.

People like you telling their friends and family about your experiences with our supplements built the LivOn Labs brand. If you are passionate about LivOn Labs and our products, and are excited to get the word out, apply today.

LivOn Labs Ambassadors Must Be…

A US Resident
that is 18 or Older

Active Online with an Engaged Community

Passionate about
LivOn Labs products!


lypo-spheric vitamin c cartons flying through the air in the kitchen

Free monthly shipment
of LivOn Labs supplements

lypo-spheric vitamin c cartons flying through the air in the kitchen

Direct line to LivOn Labs for potential event sponsorship

lypo-spheric vitamin c cartons flying through the air in the kitchen

Exposure on social media and participation in giveaways with fellow ambassadors