Soil Health Is Human Health

When soil is nutrient depleted, can we get all our nutrients from food? By Mia Rigden Board-certified nutritionist, classically trained chef What makes a carrot full of calcium and carotenoids, kale rich in folate and manganese, and nuts and seeds powerful sources of...
6 surprising things that affect blood sugar

6 surprising things that affect blood sugar

With just over 10% of Americans in good metabolic health, managing blood sugar is becoming paramount. Metabolic health isn’t just about cutting carbs; these six factors can also influence blood sugar.  Stress If there’s one thing to eliminate to attain better health,...

Late Summer Immune-Supporting Gazpacho

Late Summer Immune-Supporting Gazpacho

by Mia Rigden Board-certified nutritionist, classically trained chef This classic Spanish chilled soup is just as refreshing as it is nourishing. With in-season tomatoes, cucumber, bell pepper, red onion and garlic, this gazpacho is literally bursting with vitamin C...

How ultra-processed food impairs nutrient absorption

How ultra-processed food impairs nutrient absorption

In the inner aisles of the grocery store, it’s Invasion of the Nutrient Snatchers. They look like food, they taste like food, but they’re nefarious imposters, made in a lab to delight our tastes while disrupting our microbiomes to robbing our bodies of nutrients....

Guest post: Mental Health Advocate Britt Turpack

Guest post: Mental Health Advocate Britt Turpack

Hi, LIVON LABS friends! My name is Britt and I am a mental health advocate and speaker as well as Pilates teacher. You may have recently seen me on the LivOn Labs social pages promoting my Pilates classes on college campuses (more on that another time). As a mental...

What are liposomal supplements?

What are liposomal supplements?

Liposomal supplements provide a better way for your body to absorb critical nutrients. Keep reading to understand why nutrient absorption is such a challenge and how liposomal supplements support the health of every cell in your body. Liposomal supplements address...

Beyond Body Composition: 8 Benefits of Exercise

Beyond Body Composition: 8 Benefits of Exercise

Physical activity is not about gym mirror selfies or a flexed bicep. The benefits of exercise are often conflated with an aesthetic, and exercise itself conflated with vanity. The reality is exercise itself — moving heavy objects that challenge your body and/or moving...

6 Thyroid Nutrients

6 Thyroid Nutrients

The thyroid gland plays a vital role in metabolism as well as how the body grows and develops. Like every organ, the thyroid requires vitamins and minerals to function. Six thyroid nutrients are particularly important for the gland to secrete the chemicals necessary...

7 Causes of Malabsorption

7 Causes of Malabsorption

Several common diseases damage the gut in ways that make it difficult to absorb vitamins and minerals, leading to deficiencies. While chronic use of medications and alcohol, genetic factors, and age affect nutrient absorption, this article focuses on seven conditions...

7 ways exercise supports your immune system

7 ways exercise supports your immune system

In direct — increasing white blood cells — and indirect — increasing blood flow — ways, exercise improves your immune system. As researchers of a comprehensive literature review write, “Different studies suggest that regular physical exercise is directly related to...

9 ways to have better health and happiness

9 ways to have better health and happiness

According to the research — and yes, there is ample research on the relationship between health and happiness — 50% of your general happiness level is dictated by genetics and 10% current circumstances. The other 40% is under your control. Keep reading to learn the...

How to maximize nutrients in produce

How to maximize nutrients in produce

Plants are losing their nutrients. Global supply chain disruptions are delaying shipments, causing nutrients to deteriorate as foods spend more time away from their nutrient sources. It seems like the world is conspiring to keep you from consuming the nutrients you...

Glutathione and the Brain

Glutathione and the Brain

Unhealthy brains consistently have lower levels of glutathione and higher markers of oxidative stress. Without sufficient antioxidants like glutathione, oxidative stress damages brain cells, causing eventual functional decline and endangering normal brain function....

Pesticides and Oxidative Stress

Pesticides and Oxidative Stress

Pesticides, by definition, kill pests. But they are also harmful to humans and other non-target animals. One of their most damaging effects is inducing oxidative stress.  Oxidative stress is an imbalance of free radicals and antioxidants. Too many free radicals...

Stress and Mineral Depletion

Stress and Mineral Depletion

Stress — be it psychological or environmental, chronic or acute — can alter nutrient status. A 2020 literature review presented evidence of stress-induced alterations of three minerals; magnesium, zinc, and iron.

Alcohol and Vitamins

Alcohol and Vitamins

Chronic alcohol abuse can cause vitamin deficiency by depleting nutrients in three major ways: decreasing nutrient consumption, enhancing malabsorption, and increasing excretion.

Supplements for Nerve Health

Supplements for Nerve Health

Because so many factors affect nerves, dietary supplements for nerve health vary in their effectiveness from person to person.

Types of Vitamin C: Pros and Cons

Types of Vitamin C: Pros and Cons

When you think of all the Vitamin C variations by all possible supplemental forms, the types of Vitamin C possibilities seem infinite. Vitamin C, also known by the chemical name ascorbic acid, is one of the most popular supplemented vitamins. Find out the pros and cons of each type of Vitamin C.

Stress and Aging

Stress and Aging

The research is clear: Stress can cause premature aging. Learn why stress causes oxidative stress and aging biomarkers, and what you can do about it.

What Is Oxidative Stress?

What Is Oxidative Stress?

Oxidative stress is the condition that occurs when pro-oxidants (a.k.a., oxidants) outnumber antioxidants. Left unresolved, oxidative stress can lead to severe health problems with more familiar names. This complicated cascade of cellular damage has numerous players,...

Supplements for Travel

Supplements for Travel

Travel supplements can help support your immune system when it takes a hit while traveling. Learn the essentials for your next flight.

Fresh Flesh Shot

Fresh Flesh Shot

Make your next shot of Lypo-Spheric® supplements tastier and get the ultimate skin support from the inside out with this Halloween-inspired shot.

Vitamins After Gastric Bypass

Vitamins After Gastric Bypass

Gastric bypass surgery manipulates the gut, which is where nutrients are absorbed. Altering digestive tracts interferes with the ability to absorb nutrients, thus people who undergo gastric bypass surgery and the like are at risk for nutrient deficiencies. After the...

Zinc Benefits

Zinc Benefits

For immune system, hormone, eye health and more. Learn all the ways zinc benefits you, according to decades of scientific research.

Cognitive Cocoa

Cognitive Cocoa

Make your next shot of Lypo-Spheric® Magnesium L-Threonate tastier and support long-term cognitive health with this recipe for liquid brain food.

Benfotiamine Benefits

Benfotiamine Benefits

A fat-soluble derivative of Vitamin B1, Benfotiamine benefits your central nervous system by supporting glucose metabolism. Learn about all it does.

Vitamins for Gut Health

Vitamins for Gut Health

Emerging research that suggests A, C, D, and E as potentially critical vitamins for gut health. Learn why scientists came to this conclusion.

Happy Hour Shot

Happy Hour Shot

Make your next shot of Lypo-Spheric™ B Complex Plus tastier, and support mood and your body’s natural energy production process. Try this recipe.

Pumpkin Pie Shot

Pumpkin Pie Shot

Make your next shot of Lypo-Spheric® Alpha Lipoic Acid tastier and seasonal, and mitigate the effects of holiday binge eating. Try this recipe.

Run For Your Life

Run For Your Life

Make your next shot of Lypo-Spheric® Acetyl L-Carnitine your secret ingredients to outrunning flesh-hungry hordes of the dead. Try this recipe.