Frequently Asked Questions



As a dietary supplement, take one packet 1 to 2 times per day or as directed by a healthcare practitioner.

1. Tear packet at the notches

2. Squeeze the entire contents of the packet into 1–3 oz. of a cool beverage

3. Swallow in one gulp like a shot

Contents of packet will not dissolve.

Do not mix the Lypo-Spheric® supplements with hot beverages or in a blender.

Do not freeze or place the product in direct sunlight for extended periods of time.

If you open a packet and do not consume all of it, place it in an airtight bag or plastic wrap and refrigerate up to 24 hours.


Do I Have to Take Lypo-Spheric® Products on an Empty Stomach?

Why Doesn’t My Lypo-Spheric® Product Dissolve in Water?

What Do All the LivOn Supplements Do?

Can I Put LivOn Products in Wine?

These Lypo-Spheric® Products Don’t Taste the Greatest. What Can I Do?

Can I Put These Lypo-Spheric® Products in My Smoothie?

Do I Have to Mix the Lypo-Spheric® Product in Liquid or Water?

Why is Lypo-Spheric® Vitamin C better than pills and powders?

What Makes Lypo-Spheric® Products Unique?

Can I Take the Lypo-Spheric® Products at the Same Time?


Why do you use preservatives in the Lypo-Spheric® products?

Preservatives are used in our products to prevent the growth of harmful bacteria and mold. We use preservatives that are best suited for each formulation. We only use the minimum amount necessary to provide you with safe, effective products.

Is there foil used in the Lypo-Spheric® packaging?
The Lypo-Spheric® packet is made of foil that is laminated with two layers of food-grade polyethylene to provide a barrier between the layer of foil and the liquid product. This barrier protects the product from potential leaching, and from oxygen and moisture.
Are there potential health risks associated with phospholipids derived from soy?

Like many beans and grains, raw soybeans contain a variety of phytochemicals[1]. There is research on both sides of the soy debate showing that these phytochemicals provide a variety of health benefits, as well as potential health risks under certain conditions. The phytochemicals associated with potential health risks are often referred to as anti-nutrients.[2]

At LivOn Labs, we use highly purified phospholipids derived from soy lecithin. Virtually all phytoestrogens, proteins, and other phytochemicals found in whole, unprocessed soy beans are removed during this extraction process. We must say “virtually all” because there is a possibility that minuscule amounts may remain in the phospholipid mixture.

What this extraction process leaves us with is a high percentage of phospholipids like Phosphatidylcholine (PC), Phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) and Phosphatidylinositol (PI) and other fatty acids. Since we do not use whole soy materials, we are not able to expand on the topic of phytoestrogens that are found in the whole soy foods or other soy products.

The benefits of phospholipids found in lecithin have been well documented since the early 1900’s, and they far outweigh any potential risk associated with the ingestion of minuscule amounts of anti-nutrients naturally found in soy lecithin.[3]

[1] As defined by the Linus Pauling Institute, phytochemicals are chemicals produced by plants that are generally thought to affect health, but are not essential nutrients.

[2] Anti-nutrients are natural or synthetic compounds that interfere with the absorption of nutrients.

[3] Kullenberg et al.: Health effects of dietary phospholipids. Lipids in Health and Disease 2012 11:3

Is sunflower lecithin safer than soy lecithin?
Most of the phytochemicals in soybeans are also found in sunflower kernels, the source of sunflower lecithin. Like soybeans, sunflower kernels are well known to have protease inhibitors, phytates (phytic acid), saponins, isoflavones, oxalates and more.[1]

We have not found any evidence that soy or sunflower lecithin is unsafe. Sunflower lecithin is a wonderful source of phospholipids; it is not going to contain the same amounts of phytochemicals as a whole sunflower kernel. The same applies to high-quality soy lecithin and purified phospholipids extracted from soy lecithin – neither are going to contain the same amounts of the phytochemicals found in raw soybeans.

[1] Dr. Katherine Phillips of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University compiled a comprehensive paper that covers the range of phytochemicals found in sunflower kernels in her Final Report on the “Phytochemicals in Sunflower (Helianthus annuus)” from April 2000. Download this paper from the National Sunflower Association.

Does LivOn use non-GMO phospholipids from soy lecithin?

We source ingredients from all over the world so we can use high-potency, non-GMO ingredients from natural sources whenever possible. We now guarantee that our Lypo-Spheric® Vitamin C, Lypo-Spheric® Glutathione, Lypo-Spheric® B Complex Plus, Lypo-Spheric® R-Alpha Lipoic Acid, Lypo-Spheric® Acetyl L-Carnitine, and Lypo-Spheric® Magnesium L-Threonate are non-GMO.

Why do you use alcohol as a preservative in the Lypo-Spheric® products?

Natural preservatives are used in our products to prevent the growth of harmful bacteria and mold. We use preservatives that are best suited for each formulation. We only use the minimum amount necessary to provide you with safe, effective products.

Once the vital nutrients are delivered into the bloodstream, what happens to the phospholipids? Do you just have extra phospholipids accumulating in the bloodstream?

LivOn’s liposomes are made of phospholipids that are nearly identical to the same phospholipids that make up every cell in your body, and these phospholipids are not toxic. As phospholipids are needed for the repair of damaged cells, it is very likely the phospholipids will be quickly “used” by the body. Learn more about the health benefits of supplemental phospholipids here.

Is there any soy protein in the Lypo Spheric® products?

We use Essential Phospholipids (EPL), which are made from soy lecithin. Virtually all of the soy protein, which is of allergic concern to some individuals, is removed from the EPL during the extraction process. While we cannot guarantee our products do not contain trace amounts of soy protein, we routinely conduct DNA and allergen testing on each product with an independent laboratory. To date, the laboratory has not been able to detect any amounts of soy protein in our products.

Product Safety

Are there any supplements or medications that should not be taken with Lypo-Spheric® products?

The Lypo-Spheric® products contain high-potency nutrients that should not interfere with other common dietary supplements when taken by a generally healthy person. If you’re taking other dietary supplements under the direction of a physician, we recommend consulting your physician before adding Lypo-Spheric® supplements to your regimen.

While the Lypo-Spheric® products contain well-researched nutrients that are taken by millions of people around the world, it is possible they could interfere with certain medications and medical conditions. We recommend consulting a healthcare practitioner before using this product if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, have a medical condition, or are taking any medication.

Are the Lypo-Spheric® products safe for pets?

The Lypo-Spheric® products are formulated for humans. Some of our customers have chosen to supplement their pet’s diet with the Lypo-Spheric® Vitamin C and Glutathione, and have seen positive results. We recommend consulting with your veterinarian before starting any supplementation program for your pets.

Should I consult my doctor before taking Lypo-Spheric® products?

We recommend you consult with a qualified healthcare practitioner before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before taking any medication, or if you suspect you may have a health problem.

Are the Lypo-Spheric® products safe for pregnant and/or breastfeeding women?
While the Lypo-Spheric® products contain nutrients that are vital to a healthy mother and baby, we recommend consulting with your healthcare practitioner before consuming any Lypo-Spheric® supplements while pregnant or breastfeeding.
Are the Lypo-Spheric® products safe for children?
The Lypo-Spheric® products are formulated for adults. Please consult your child’s physician before giving your child any Lypo-Spheric® product.
Can I still use the Lypo-Spheric® products if the packets are puffy?

Yes! The packets may expand as latent air from the filling process tends to expand over time. This does not affect the quality of the product.


Why don't the Lypo-Spheric® products dissolve in water?

It is this very lack of solubility that makes liposomes impervious to stomach acids and bile salts. It also gives them quick and easy access into the bloodstream and enables them to slip across cell membranes as they quickly and safely transport nutrients to their intended destination.

Should I be concerned that the liposomes are so small they could end up anywhere in the body, and not just necessarily where they were intended?

Nanoparticles or liposomes that are typically less than 100 nanometers may be able to cross the blood-brain barrier and do some damage if the nanoparticles are made of potentially toxic substances, or if the liposomes contain toxic substances. LivOn’s liposomal products are typically 200+ nanometers, so they are small enough to pass into the bloodstream and cells quickly. But more importantly, LivOn’s liposomes are made of phospholipids — which are nearly identical to the same phospholipids that make up every cell in your body — and these phospholipids are not toxic. The nutrients encapsulated in the liposomes are nutrients that are naturally found within cells all over the body.

Since the liposomes are not made of toxic substances and do not contain toxic materials, there would be no harm to the body if a liposome crossed the blood-brain barrier. In fact, the possibility of crossing the blood-brain barrier can be helpful since the essential fatty acids in the phospholipids and the encapsulated vitamins can provide essential nutrition to the brain.

How do I identify a legitimate liposome encapsulated supplement?

We have spent years researching the best formulation techniques and manufacturing processes for liposome encapsulated supplements. We work with some of the top liposome experts in the country, and they can evaluate the quality of a liposomal product through ingredient assays, particle size analyses, and liposome encapsulation efficiency tests. So as part of our ongoing research, we analyze every liposomal supplement we come across.


Is there a difference when ascorbic acid is taken from paprika vs genetically modified corn?

Chemically, there is no difference in ascorbic acid from paprika, corn, or any other source. The only difference is the source material and the process used to extract or synthesize the ascorbic acid.

How does liposomal Vitamin C compare with intravenous Vitamin C?

We have not done any formal studies to compare the efficacy or absorption of liposomal Vitamin C with intravenous Vitamin C at this time. Dr. Thomas Levy has suggested that in some cases, 5 grams of liposomal Vitamin C can be as clinically effective as 50 grams of intravenous Vitamin C. He has made this observation after witnessing cases where liposomal Vitamin C was administered in lieu of, or in addition to, intravenous Vitamin C. This observation, however, has not been tested in a controlled setting.

Will supplementing with Vitamin C lead to the development of kidney stones?

Although some have theorized a correlation between Vitamin C and the development of kidney stones, overwhelming evidence contradicts this hypothesis. Broad population studies suggest that those with the highest blood levels of Vitamin C have the lowest incidence of kidney stones.

How do you suggest using your product for facial skin improvement?

A recent 16-week clinical study with the Lypo-Spheric® Vitamin C showed that a daily dose of just 1,000 mg (1 packet) per day can lead to an average 35% increase in skin firmness and 8% reduction in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. A daily dose of 3,000 mg (3 packets) per day can lead to an impressive 61% increase in skin firmness and 14% reduction in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles in just 16 weeks.


What does GSH stand for?
Glutathione Sulfhydryl
Where does Glutathione come from?

Your body’s cells make Glutathione from three amino acids — glutamate, L-cysteine and glycine — also referred to as “precursors.” Your body depends on the presence of these precursors and the cell’s health status to make Glutathione. Since many of these precursors are missing from our modern diet and people frequently have less than healthy cells, natural Glutathione levels are often low.


I have read that 'folic acid' is not what we should be taking, but rather folate or 5-MTHF. What do you use in your B Complex product?

Our Lypo-Spheric® B Complex Plus supports the needs of people who are unable to assimilate and metabolize folic acid. We use Quatrefolic™ 5-Methylfolate (specifically 6S-5-methyltetrahydrofolic acid glucosamine salt) instead of folic acid. Quatrefolic™ provides 5-MTHF (5-Methylfolate), the metabolically active form of folate, directly to the body so it can be used immediately, without metabolization.

How To

What's the best way to take Lypo-Spheric® products?

For most people, the easiest way is to squeeze the contents of the packet into 1–3 ounces of water, swirl gently to make sure the liposomes are not sticking to the bottom or sides of the glass, and drink the whole mixture in one swallow. If you don’t like the taste, substitute with 1–3 ounces of a cool fruit or vegetable juice, for water. The contents of the packet will not dissolve.

Can I mix Lypo-Spheric® products in hot beverages like coffee or tea?
We do not recommend mixing any of the Lypo-Spheric® products in hot beverages like coffee or tea. For best results, we recommend taking the product with a cool beverage.
When is the best time to take Lypo-Spheric® products?

While there is no exact time these products have to be taken, we recommend taking them in the morning and/or early afternoon. Taking the products too late in the evening may cause a burst of energy which could interfere with your normal sleep schedule.

Should I take the Lypo-Spheric® products on an empty stomach?

We recommend you take the product on an empty stomach because it will enter the bloodstream faster, however the product may be taken with food or after a meal and it will still be absorbed by the body.

For those who are prone to low blood sugar levels, the Lypo-Spheric® B Complex Plus should be taken just before a light snack or meal. Hypoglycemic substances, like caffeine, should be avoided.

How much Lypo-Spheric® product can I take per day?
The recommended dosage of the Lypo-Spheric® product is one packet, taken 1 to 2 times per day. We recommend that you consult your healthcare practitioner before taking dosages that are higher than the recommended dosage.

Please note the Lypo-Spheric® products are not intended to prevent, cure or treat any specific health condition or disease. If you are experiencing a health problem and are looking for a healthcare practitioner that is experienced with integrative medicine, we recommend visiting the ACAM or the Riordan Clinic.

Can I blend the Lypo-Spheric® products in a food processor or blender?
We do not recommend blending any of the Lypo-Spheric® products in a food processor or blender.

Lypo-Spheric® supplements are encapsulated in liposomes. Although these tiny bubbles are impervious to digestive juices and protect their valuable contents from oxidative degradation, they can be damaged with heat or violent agitation.

Does the "empty stomach" mean no orange juice or coffee, etc.?

Taking the product on an empty stomach helps it to be absorbed more quickly, but you will still get the full effect of the product if you take it near a light meal or after drinking beverages like orange juice or coffee.

Can I take the Lypo-Spheric® products at the same time?
Yes. Many of our customers take multiple Lypo-Spheric® products at once.