Beyond Body Composition: 8 Benefits of Exercise

Beyond Body Composition: 8 Benefits of Exercise

Physical activity is not about gym mirror selfies or a flexed bicep. The benefits of exercise are often conflated with an aesthetic, and exercise itself conflated with vanity. The reality is exercise itself — moving heavy objects that challenge your body and/or moving...
Nutrients and Vitamins for Muscle Growth

Nutrients and Vitamins for Muscle Growth

Vitamins may be your next step in working toward muscle growth. You know about protein and carbohydrates and pre- and post-workout nutrient timing. You understand the optimal rep range for hypertrophy, but there’s something holding you back. Maybe it’s recovery or the...
The LivOn Labs HQ Office Fitness Routine

The LivOn Labs HQ Office Fitness Routine

We’ve started to hear all about how sitting at your desk for 8 hours can be just as damaging as known toxic activities like smoking. And no amount of vitamins, even the Lypo-Spheric® kind, can get you unbent from hours of sitting. Get up every hour, they say. Go...
5 Reasons Athletes Should Take Vitamin C

5 Reasons Athletes Should Take Vitamin C

Not surprisingly, most athletes are unaware how important vitamin C intake is to performance. Some can get away with poor diets and supplementation for awhile (see NBA Super Star Derrick Rose’s weird eating habits). Lucky for Chicago Bulls fans, he has hired a...