What Is Reduced Glutathione?

What Is Reduced Glutathione?

Reduced glutathione is the type of glutathione that functions as an antioxidant. Here’s how it works. Oxidation & Glutathione If you’ve seen iron or steel rust, you’ve seen the results of oxidation. In this case, it is exposure to oxygen causes...
Oral Glutathione & Liposomal Technology

Oral Glutathione & Liposomal Technology

Why oral glutatione supplementation? Young, normally functioning cells produce their own glutathione by combining three amino acids: glutamine, glycine and cysteine. As we age or cells become diseased, the production of this critical molecule decreases and can even...
What Does Glutathione Do?

What Does Glutathione Do?

Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant. That means that it scavenges damaging free radicals and protects vital organs. Our cells synthesize it by combining three amino acids, and distribute it throughout the body to prevent destruction by toxins and to recycle other...
What Do GSH and a Battery Have in Common?

What Do GSH and a Battery Have in Common?

Like a flashlight battery, the power of antioxidants is found in their ability to supply a steady flow of electrons. When a flashlight battery is fresh, the flow is strong and the light is bright. As the battery is used and depleted, the flow diminishes and the...